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Our Trustees

The United Westminster and Grey Coat Foundation is managed by a Board of Trustees which comprises of up to 17 individuals as set out below. Our Trustees are:


Toby Mullins Chair of the Board of Trustees, Co-opted
Susan Lowson Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees, Co-opted
Miranda Richards Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees, Co-Opted
Rod Clark Chair of the Governing Body of The Grey Coat Hospital, Ex Officio Trustee
Margaret Corbally Chair of the Governing Body of Queen Anne’s School, Ex Officio Trustee
Markus Jaigirder Chair of the Governing Body of Emanuel School, Ex Officio Trustee
Gillian Swaine Chair of the Governing Body of Sutton Valence School, Ex Officio Trustee
William Wells Chair of the Governing Body of Westminster City School, Ex Officio Trustee
Tara Douglas-Home Co-opted Trustee
John Nesbitt Co-opted Trustee
Mohsen Ojja Co-opted Trustee
Adina Uritescu Co-opted Trustee
Robert Howard Appointed by the Court of Alderman of the City of London
Vacancy Appointed by the Dean of Westminster
Vacancy Co-opted Trustee
Vacancy Co-opted Trustee


The Trustees oversee the running of the charitable company . The Board meets at least 3 times a year and operates 3 sub- committees:

  • Finance and Property Committee
  • Partnerships Committee
  • Professional Development Committee

The activities of our five schools are overseen by their own Boards of Governors, the majority of whom are appointed by the Trustees of the Foundation.