Our Trustees
The United Westminster and Grey Coat Foundation is managed by a Board of Trustees which comprises of up to 17 individuals as set out below. Our Trustees are:
Toby Mullins | Chair of the Board of Trustees, Co-opted |
Susan Lowson | Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees, Co-opted |
Miranda Richards | Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees, Co-Opted |
Rod Clark | Chair of the Governing Body of The Grey Coat Hospital, Ex Officio Trustee |
Margaret Corbally | Chair of the Governing Body of Queen Anne’s School, Ex Officio Trustee |
Markus Jaigirder | Chair of the Governing Body of Emanuel School, Ex Officio Trustee |
Gillian Swaine | Chair of the Governing Body of Sutton Valence School, Ex Officio Trustee |
William Wells | Chair of the Governing Body of Westminster City School, Ex Officio Trustee |
Tara Douglas-Home | Co-opted Trustee |
John Nesbitt | Co-opted Trustee |
Mohsen Ojja | Co-opted Trustee |
Adina Uritescu | Co-opted Trustee |
Robert Howard | Appointed by the Court of Alderman of the City of London |
Vacancy | Appointed by the Dean of Westminster |
Vacancy | Co-opted Trustee |
Vacancy | Co-opted Trustee |
The Trustees oversee the running of the charitable company . The Board meets at least 3 times a year and operates 3 sub- committees:
- Finance and Property Committee
- Partnerships Committee
- Professional Development Committee
The activities of our five schools are overseen by their own Boards of Governors, the majority of whom are appointed by the Trustees of the Foundation.